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Writer's pictureMaddie Phillips

How to receive something from nothing; the process of unlayering

This pillar I stand on in life and in business is by, essentially just being, things come. By peeling back the layers of conditioning, should's, would's and cant's, we are uplifted, back to the raw, unlayered you that is. Through this process of awareness and healing, the concept of 'being' just becomes very simple. All the discomfort and complication goes away. There is room for joy and peace and light. There is no doubt or worry, just love and trust, the energy of the highest vibration.

Since day one of arriving in this life, traits, beliefs, habits, thoughts have been layered on our conscious and subconscious minds. Now, we have been born with some too, but most have been inherited from those that raise us and what we're exposed to. Our minds are like little sponges, absorbing it all. And as adults, we have more control over our conscious minds but our subconscious continues to absorb nearly EVERYTHING we expose it to (making this process of awareness and healing, a constant practice).

Now, as adults, some traits we identify as not our own and have no problem releasing because we've become aware and decided that we don't want the certain behaviours or habits in our life. But most beliefs and thoughts we continue to carry with us and take on as our own even when they aren't and are no longer helping us through life; they are creating resistance. They have always been with us and we are unaware that we are capable of behaving any other way. We defend this false identity with "this is just how I am" or "it is what it is". These statements have rigidity to them that doesn't allow the mind to even consider something different, let alone changing it.

YOU get to decide how to live. You do not need to long for something to be different, you do not need to keep things the way they are just because they've always been. Deep down, you know the truth, you know what is meant to stay and meant to go. You have the control to change these things, unlayer the things holding you back.

The beauty of all of this is that it's not about adding anything. Yes, there are tools you'll gain and techniques that you'll practice but there is NOTHING outside of you coming in. It is all you; beautiful, perfectly imperfect, raw, high vibe, authentic you. We are just letting the flag fly free, the layers peel away, so you can just be you. Only then, by 'doing nothing' we receive it all.

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