1 min read
Within the Trek
About 16 months ago I wrote a post about trekking in to change. Well I'm trekking. At the moment it feels like detaching is a full time...
1 min read
High Vibes
I don't know about you guys but it's been an intense couple of weeks. Between the full moon and the new year. I went from feeling so...
1 min read
Face Within
Your shadows show up as happy bright surprises - until they've backed you into a corner with no way out but through them. But secretly,...
2 min read
The Muddy Change
There are specific moments in my life where I can say a chapter has closed. Also moments where I remember feeling, "This is going to...
5 min read
When You're Ready
This week felt pretty hard for me. Feelings of stress and being overwhelmed flooded my days at work, and everything at home felt like...
5 min read
"Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion"
Every action has a reaction....we're all familiar with the saying. But how often do we dig a bit deeper to find out the reason for that...